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October 1, 2018
Roger moaned around the big rubber gag in his mouth, caught between feeling like he couldn’t possibly take any more of this degradation (no matter how strong his humiliation fetish was…) and that he was desperate for more, more, more! His sadistic girlfriend giggled in unadulterated glee as she spread his sissy faggot ass wide, teasing him with her thick strap on dildo while he whimpered. “Does my naughty little girl need Mommy’s big cock?” She cooed, knowing he couldn’t resist her sexy dominance. He tried to beg for her […]
October 1, 2018
“Which one?” Jenna asked abdl Mommy Janey, surreptitiously scanning the room for the guy Janey told her would be the perfect “client”. “See that one over there?” Janey pointed to the young college student, who had come near the end of an aisle. “So why him?” Jenna asked. Janey was experienced at spotting things that made the right people for their services stand out to her; Jenna was learning. Janey giggled. “He’s been choosing books and reading little pieces of them for 20 minutes. I can see from here; […]
September 29, 2018
I was already crying a little before Mommy came back because she ran off the nice men that were fucking me the way that I wanted, but when she walked through the nursery door with her favorite wooden spanking paddle I started out right bawling. I started to have a full blown abdl tantrum, throwing myself back on the floor, but she wasn’t having any of that! She grabbed my diaper, pulled it down underneath my bottom, then lifted my legs up in the air to put me in a […]
September 26, 2018
I pulled up to the building. It looked like an old abandoned warehouse, but this is where the website said to go for the job interview, and I desperately needed the work. I got out of the car, straightened up my leather pencil skirt and tugged at my pantyhose. Leaned down to my side car mirror and made sure my red lipstick looked good. I knocked on the door to the warehouse and a tall brunette woman in a leather bodysuit answered. She was really attractive but I know I […]