September 23, 2016

Domination Phone Sex

You think I’m just your bitchy coworker, when really I’m a domination phone sex queen. Well, queen to you that is. You see you don’t know it yet, but I have something on you that will threaten to destroy your entire life. Your family, your career, your reputation, everything is hanging on by a thread and by my mercy. That’s right I saw you at that gay bar downtown. My brother is gay and he took me one night for drinks and to catch up and sure enough when I […]
August 14, 2015

Toilet Play and Temperature Taking

A little known fetish, but one of my favorites, is taking ones temperature both orally, and rectally. I have the perfect exam tool for some Medical Fetish Phone Sex. I bought a thermometer shaped like a dick. Not a little dick either. A full 8 inches of probing fun. I never have liked the small ones, so I wont make you start small, we’ll jump right to the big one. Now if I could find an enema nozzle shaped like 12 inches of big dick I would be a happy […]
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