December 4, 2016

On your Knees

I think some little phone sex sluts deserve to be punished. Especially when they think they don’t have to do anything around the house. You see that light bulb up there? I can’t reach it. So you need to change it. You think that just because I coddle you and make you my little bitch you don’t have to pull your weight around here? You’ve got another thing coming! I”m not just gonna let your slide by and do whatever you damn well please. Fine. Come here and get on […]
August 14, 2015

Toilet Play and Temperature Taking

A little known fetish, but one of my favorites, is taking ones temperature both orally, and rectally. I have the perfect exam tool for some Medical Fetish Phone Sex. I bought a thermometer shaped like a dick. Not a little dick either. A full 8 inches of probing fun. I never have liked the small ones, so I wont make you start small, we’ll jump right to the big one. Now if I could find an enema nozzle shaped like 12 inches of big dick I would be a happy […]
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