Tortured By Mommy
December 23, 2018
Want To Play With A Submissive Mommy?
December 26, 2018
“I’m so glad you took our case. I just don’t know what to do anymore!” The young woman in Marriage Counselor Jenna’s office looked ready to cry again, which Jenna definitely wanted to keep from happening. One big Adult baby in a relationship is enough, after all. “From what you have said, it sounds to me like your husband is experiencing classic regressive tendencies,” she told her, logically. “Throws temper tantrums when things don’t go his way, sleeps at odd hours, won’t take no for an answer, plays games all day …. these are things a two year old does, but not a 22 year old. “So … like … I should treat him like a 2 year old?” “Not exactly,” Jenna told her. “You see, he is much bigger than a toddler. So, you will have to be more forceful than you would with a toddler. With a real two year old, a light tap on the Adult diaper might get their attention. With him, you may have to give him a full-blown spanking.” “That’s what my boyfriend keeps saying…” the woman said. Jenna stared. “Your … boyfriend? But, I thought you came to me to save your marriage….” “I did! But I deserve to have a good time in bed too. I go out on dates with Rick. But Rick says my husband should be more like my little girl. He thinks I should put him in diapers and dresses, and give him punishments and spankings – really take him in hand.” Jenna smiled inwardly. She liked Rick. “Ok, here’s what you do. Next time he messes up, you tell him that you aren’t going to punish him – like he is hoping – but you are going to let Uncle Rick decide his punishment. Then call your boyfriend, and pack a diaper bag with a change of clothes and diapers, a paddle, and a bib, bottle, and baby food. Leave him with your boyfriend for one afternoon of punishment, and I think he’ll be ready to be an angel after that! Call me for some Abdl Phone Sex!
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