I Am Siren And I Will Do With My Submissives However I Choose.
August 16, 2021
Roxi Will Rock You
October 2, 2021A little bdsm in my medical office never really hurt anyone – well… maybe just a little bit. As a naughty nurse it was wonderful to see my patient Patrick come in to visit me on his day off. He knew that he was long overdue for an examination and I am the only person that knew exactly how to take care of him. He walked in weakly to my medical office and I took off all of his clothes. I had him stand in front of me as I grabbed his balls with one hand and with the other I grabbed his dick. I pulled and twisted them both and pulled them apart with all of my might and he screamed in pain and sorrow.
Tears streamed down his face as he cried profusely. He tried to pull free but I gripped him even harder. Then I took my teeth and sunk them into his cock and I bit down hard and started to chew on it. I chomped on it as if it was a pork chop, I made sure to leave little teeth indents in his manly meat. I wanted to scar his cock so every single day for the rest of his life whenever he got naked, took a piss or tried to fuck he would see the scarring that I left on his schlong and he would think about me. After I tore the skin and I drew blood, I drank from his dick like if I was drinking from a faucet.
Then I decided that is was time to do my nurse version of dominatrix roleplay so I restrained both of his hands and his legs to the bed so I can have uninterrupted time to enjoy my love for bondage fetish. I got a paddle out and spanked his cock multiple times and it stung him as he would try to jump each time he was hit but because he was restrained there was nowhere for him to go. He just had to stay where he was – stuck and motionless because of how I chose to captivate him.
His needed to be milked and that is when I stuck a finger in his asshole and pushed down on his prostate with my fingers and massaged it. He moaned repeatedly every time I would go back and forth in a smooth motion in his asshole. I wanted him to be milked and that is what he was afraid of happening because a part of him knew what I was going to do with that milk. I rapidly pounded my finger in his anus and when his dick was about to cum, I placed a condom on top of it to collect the semen. After I gathered enough of his gluey man milk – I made him open up his mouth and I drained the cum from the condom down his throat and made him swallow every single drop. And to make sure that no semen was wasted, I made him swallow the used condom as well.
Nurse Olivia
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