For Mommy’s Pleasure
June 25, 2021
Aunt Brenda’s Submissive Jack
July 11, 2021
You are so pathetic and miserable and you have been an asshole all week to your staff and it is time that you have to pay for your wrong doings. I saw what you did at work – you fired a plethora of people in the middle of a fucking pandemic and a lot of them don’t have the ability to get something else right now. You made sure that you fired them so that the Department of Labor would not allow for them to get unemployment benefits. And I don’t want to hear shit about their Biden money is on the way – because I am no idiot. We all know that as of July 2021, there are 35 million unprocessed tax returns waiting to be processed. And as for the child care relief check, that is taxed and they are not going to get their full amount. You are a fucking, worthless, pathetic cunt to fire those people from your staff and now I will make sure that you have hell to pay!
I am going to punish you like there is no tomorrow – let me rip off your clothes right now and insert a little tube into your urethra. I love to hear you scream to the top of your lungs in pain as it gives me so much fucking pleasure. I will make sure to continue to push this tube far into your pee hole as deep as I can go, and I will be assured that I went deep enough when I see blood coming out of your little prick. I will laugh at you and take pictures of your bloody and abused dick for my social media followers in order for them to laugh their asses off. I will make sure that I track down those people that you fired so that they can all share in the pleasure of seeing you and your pathetic prick in a lot of pain. I will make sure to document all of this also with video when I tie up your balls and your cock and get a ruler and spank your genitals until they are swollen, chaffed and blood red. You don’t deserve to not be in pain for what you have done. Let me also add a generous amount of hot sauce to my strap on and ram it inside of your tight little asshole so that you will burn inside of your asshole and finally understand what it feels like to be violently raped and sodomized. I want you to not be able to walk when I am done with you -you are going to have to fucking limp wherever you go. You will also remain in diapers for the rest of your life because you have not earned the right to shit and piss in the toilet like regular human beings because you are not a regular human being – you are a fucking asshole and this is what happens to fucking assholes – they get violently brutalized and anally fucked!
Call me right now at Phoneamommy and ask to speak to me, Dommy Mommy Scarlet and get naked and have your toy ready so you can be brutally fucked!
Click Here to chat with a phone sex mommy!
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